Bruce J. Prenda
The County Attorney advocates on behalf of the citizens of Colfax County. It is the professional responsibility of the office to pursue justice under the law and ensure the safety of all citizens through swift criminal prosecution; be dutiful in all matters involving victims and child welfare; and to provide competent legal advice and representation for Colfax County. The Office of the Colfax County Attorney works to promote, support, and advance new ideas, to innovate, and to provide leadership in the law enforcement and legal community.
The Criminal Division prosecutes felony and misdemeanor offenses. Priority enforcement includes child abuse, sexual assault, relationship violence, and offenses influenced by mental health, behavioral health, and drug and alcohol related issues.
The Civil Division represents the interests of Colfax County in civil legal matters, to include tax, employment, and general county government litigation. The County Attorney provides legal support for the Colfax County Board and county officials.
The Juvenile Division works collaboratively with the court system, child welfare agencies, city and county schools, and community-based programs to address youth under 18 who violate the law or are excessively absent from school, and to protect children who are the victims of abuse and neglect.
The Colfax County Attorney acts as the County Coroner in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and a coroner's physician, presents evidence to a Grand Jury in the event of an in-custody death, and adjudicates matters of civil commitment before the Mental Health Board.